Di's Kitchen

Di's Kitchen

North Indian, Continental, Multi-cuisine, Punjabi - 255 RAJNIGANDHA, GARDEN APARTMENTS, 21 VITTAL MALLYA ROAD BANGALORE, INDIA
08047176666Request A Call Back

Delivery hours : 10:30 - 21:30

Delivery time: 1 days

Delivery Only
Min order value : ₹5,000
Min person : 20

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Di's Kitchen

North Indian, Continental, Multi-Cuisine, Punjabi

Di's Kitchen Specialises in Bite sized homemade treats small gatherings .if you are at a party where our food is served, you can eat a full portion of anything be it an apple pie or a pizza and not guilty and probably go for the second or third helping. 

We Focus on cooking and baking for children-of all age-because its realistic, creative and fun. It’s always nice to see happy, well-fed children. For us it’s a delight to make a healthy version of a mac& cheese or a burger Pattie or samosa or cookies filled with nutrition. It’s also fun to make treats that are more indulgent but are homemade like the ever so popular rainbow jelly, marshmallows or trick sticks.

At the moment, this is where my culinary journey is at. While all our palates cross borders and expectations, we will continue to explore how best we can shrink food and make it worth its bite for all children big and small.

Delivery hours

All days10:30 - 21:30

Delivery time

1 days


255 Rajnigandha, Garden Apartments, 21 Vittal Mallya Road Bangalore, India
Contact number : 08047176666

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